Martin Kaye Artist 


Illustration Workshops at the Old School for January & February 2025

Monday Evening 7pm to 9pmTuesday Morning 9:30am to 11:30am

A block of 5 workshops cost £25 to be paid in full on or before the first session. Payments can be made in cash, by card or direct bank transfer. 

Participants are advised to book and confirm early as places are limited to just 15 for either the Monday or Tuesday sessions. Please bring 50p to each session for a cup of tea/coffee.

If a session is cancelled due to the venue or course provider an alternate date will be offered.

Should a course be cancelled due to low numbers any payments will be refunded in full. There are no refunds for participants who have booked, but are unable to attend any sessions.

These are some of the topics that we may explore over the Jan/Feb and March/April Illustration Workshop blocks:

  • Ancient Fantasy – Roman and Iron Age metal work. Media focus: Pastels
  • Cut fruit and vegetables in watercolour
  • Artefacts – antique bottles still life. Media focus: gouache / pastel / coloured pencil
  • Visual Maps. Media focus: marker pens
  • Fantastic Landscapes. Media focus: coloured pencils / watercolours
  • Green Man Illustration Project. Media focus: mixed media
  • Historic buildings in the rural Vale of Glamorgan. Media focus: mixed media
  • Life Drawing

New Images for Cowbridge

The Elephant and Bun Cowbridge by Artist Martin Kaye 2024

High Street Architecture Cowbridge by Artist Martin Kaye 2024

The Penny Farthing Cowbridge by Artist Martin Kaye 2024

The Penny Farthing Cowbridge by Artist Martin Kaye 2024

Relics Talk 10th October 2024

Thank you James for this great write up:

On Thursday 10th October 2024, at the monthly Llanilltud Ladies Group meeting in Bethel Baptist Church Hall, Llantwit Major, the ladies were treated to an evocative talk by renowned local author and respected artist Martin Kaye about his recently published trilogy of books.

He read passages from the books giving a tantalising flavour of the story and whetting everyone’s appetites to read more. The story reading was accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation which gave the background of historical facts, researched as the basis to complete his novels.

Martin’s trilogy explores re-incarnation and focuses on three main figures, Tim, Anya and Philomena, modern day characters who, over time, discover their links with the past.

The novels link modern lives to those of historical figures from the King Arthur myths and legends period known as the Dark Ages. This was a time when there were very few written records, during the post Roman period dating from the late 400’s AD to the early 500’s AD. The books chart the career of Arth, an emerging hero of Britannia and how he achieves success at the battle at Badon Field to thwart the advance of the Anglo Saxon supremacy.

The three characters are caught up with a mix of romance and tragedy stretching over time with the third book in the trilogy ending in an intriguing, tantalising conclusion. 

The Book Titles are: On Badon Field, A Banner of Dark Shadows and The Fallen and the Fled.

A must read.

James Wild

Banner caption: Tresilian bay caves and cliff